ATIC Awarded NSW Premier’s Multicultural Economic Participation Medal, 2015

The NSW Premiers Harmony Dinner has been held in Rosehills Gardens 12 March 2015. Most of the NSW Ministers were present. It was the fourth year with a record breaking attendance of 1400.

In the event, The Hon Victor Dominello, NSW Minister for Citizenship presented 7 Medals to honor the outstanding contribution of community to New South Wales. Among them, the Economic Participation Medal went to Jeff Li, the founder of Pioneer Computers and the Chair of Australia Technology and Investment Committee, the only recipient of the ICT industry.

The term “Technological innovation brings prosperity”is applicable to both Asia and Australia. ATIC is a strong advocate for the commercialization of technological research and export to offset the easing of the mining boom. The team at ATIC acts as a platform to bring technology and investment together. A number of projects have been developed in collaboration of Australian expertise and vice versa.